Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Ubuntu 9.04 install

I just decided I want to do a fresh install.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop i386 on my Acer TravelMate 3282 notebook, with 4 GB RAM and 80GB Disk space.

The steps are as follows:-

1. format the /dev/sda into partitions /dev /sda1 (76646083 blocks) as ext4 and /dev/sda2 (1502077 blocks) as swap.

2. After reboot, connect to internet via P1 WiMAX connection.

3. Run sudo apt-get update, takes about  5 minutes to complete.

4. Run sudo apt-get install nautilus-cd-burner as per dependencies by aptoncd package (0.1-1-all) from Source Forge.net.

5. Add deb http://download.virtualox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty nonfree in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

6. Get Sun Public key for apt-secure:-
wget -q http://download.virtulbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -0- | sudo apt-key add - 

By this moment, the Update Manager windows pops up to offer a lot of critical updates. I just simply ignore it this time.

7. This time run sudo apt-get update again.

8. Run 'sudo apt-get -d install virtualbox-3.0' to download VirtualBox and about 20+ dependencies.

9. Added repositories info for miro, wine-doors and medibuntu

10.Run sudo apt-get update again.

11. Do install for the following:-
 amrnb amrwb realpayer skype w32codecs gxine vlc miro wine-doors msttcorefonts flashplugin-nonfree screenlets conky neverball frozen-bubble monkey-bubble supertuxkart compizconfig-settings-manager kompozer bluefish liferea gthumb gwget nas audiooss inkscape xaralx wvdial gnome-ppp unetbootin unrar dia-gnome gnochm wammu filezilla sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-bin

12. Wait for about 2.5 hours for everything to complete

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